International GD Day The Rendez-vous of the "GD and friends" community
Glow Discharge Spectrometries (GDS) provide elemental depth profile analysis of thin and thick solid films. GD instruments are found in multiple laboratories both academic and industrial. GDS rely on the controlled sputtering of a representative area of the material studied by a dense RF plasma and the parallel detection of the sputtered species excited or ionized in the plasma by a spectrometer.
The "GD day" is the most comprehensive event on analytical Glow Discharge Spectrometries (GDS) and gathers GDS users and invited researchers from all over the world for a scientific conference covering both applicative aspects and recent developments. Perspectives and complementarities with other techniques (XPS, SEM, AtomProbe, AFM Raman, Spectroscopic Ellipsometry) are also studied.