Download the Final Program (PDF)
The 2016 GD Day will take place at Gif sur Yvette, south of Paris, France, at the Synchrotron SOLEIL on September 15th and 16th.
This location will give the opportunity to visit the Synchrotron and HORIBA Research Center.
If you wish to contribute, please contact us at GD-Day.jyfr@horiba.com
- Oral Presentation: 15 minutes
- Posters: Poster's size should be A0 (width: 841 mm, height: 1189 mm, portrait layout) or smaller. Participants are asked to bring their A0 printed copy, as no poster printers will be available at the conference
- Panels' size: 180cm x 130cm Posters panels will be located in the SOLEIL Central Building
- Deadline for submission: June, 2016
- Please use this template for submitting.
(At beginning of May - oral and poster presentations mixed)